Medium ········· Pictures, Photos, Spraypaint, Sculpture
Material ······ Paper on Wall, Bone
Date ······· Berlin, 2018
Medium ········· Pictures, Photos, Spraypaint, Sculpture
Material ······ Paper on Wall, Bone
Date ······· Berlin, 2018
At Parkhaus Rathaus Neukölln, Berlin ........
For an abandon Carpark in Neukoelln I made an Streetaltar. The Carpark was a hideout for the local Junkies so I made an Altar for all People living and working on the Streets. Homeless, Junkies, Sprayers.... The main Sculpture “Schädelfrakture” is designed and made by Beatrice Gehrmann.
Several Street Artists where working in this Carpark and it should be open to public afterwards. Since there was no concept to secure the works, I istalled an Art Police in several places.